Curious about the deeper meaning behind our clothing choices? Do you ever wonder why certain garments give you confidence and strength or can even influence your mood? Or are you interested in how the fashion industry impacts us psychologically? Then you've come to the right place!

What is Fashion Psychology?

As a fashion psychologist, I focus on the deeper psychological aspects of clothing and the fashion industry. In doing so, I shed light not only on what we wear, but also on how clothing influences our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Clothing is a powerful means to express our identity and can help us communicate without words.In addition to the psychological impact of clothing on us as individuals and in relation to others, I also focus on the psychological impact of the fashion industry on ourselves and our society. For example, how does the industry contribute to shaping the ideal image and what is its influence on our self-image? What is the industry's influence on consumer behavior and how can fashion psychology contribute to a more sustainable industry?In short, as a fashion psychologist, I reveal the deeper layers of our relationship with clothing, fashion, and the industry. In doing so, I explain the psychological mechanisms underlying this and how it all affects us as individuals and as a society!

De Mode Psycholoog

About me

I am Anke Vermeer, a psychologist with an immense passion for clothing and the fashion industry. From childhood, I have been experimenting with various clothing styles, searching for my identity and what aligns with my self-image. When I discovered at a young age that I was missing two front teeth after losing my baby teeth, the formation of my self-image took an interesting turn. With these missing front teeth, I no longer fit my ideal image, and during my teenage years, I realized how much impact this actually had on me. It was one of my reasons for deciding to study psychology! During my psychology studies, my interest in fashion remained unchanged, and gradually I began to understand better how these two worlds are intertwined. I couldn't find much information about it yet, so I decided to work on it myself. De Mode Psycholoog was born!With De Mode Psycholoog, I try to bridge the gap between the sometimes still unknown intersections of psychology and fashion.

For whom?

Whether you're curious about using psychology to make more conscious fashion choices, struggling with questions where insights from fashion psychology can be of great value, or looking for a deeper understanding of consumer behavior, I look forward to discussing this with you!

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Do you have questions about fashion psychology or are you interested in collaborating?Feel free to get in touch!

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